Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Learning what matters most....

This Christmas season has been busy with some new activity. It's the first year we've experienced City Impact's Gifts of Love, doing foster care, and having a foreign exchange student.

Watching and hearing the community experience Christmas with dignity at Gifts of Love was really awesome. Last night the kids who participate in the ILA program had the chance to shop for their families, they were all very excited and it was cool to hear their stories and see their excitement!

Foster care has given me another view into what really matters. How often I stress out about trivial things and when you open your eyes and heart to the hurt all around you, I am struck by how selfish I can be. Our family has processed some tough things these past few days and we are praying and hoping that God will have his way in our lives... He's stretching us for sure. So, as Michael and I Christmas shop and look around us at the immense blessing of our family and children, we are even more aware of God's grace. I feel more aware of how it's not about what's under the tree, but it's about those who gather around it. I am so thankful for the safety of our home, for the love, laughter and peace that we enjoy. Praying for the children who don't have that, who are being abused, neglected, and forgotten this Christmas, may our eyes not be closed to the reality that surrounds us... praying that our house will soon be a place of healing for those in need!

Our foreign exchange student is experiencing Christmas American style for the first time... he's enjoying the food! He did some shopping last night and was able to buy some stocking stuffers. He is still struggling with language and also just engaging in life here in the States. I think he is really missing China and we are hoping that he soon embraces his new life here... because it's been a rough transition and he doesn't seem to want to be an American student. So your prayers are appreciated!

In this season of giving.. my heart is being transformed and I am thankful for the new perspective on life.. for the moments where I stop and appreciate God's love and peace in the midst of chaos.

Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

It's been BUSY!

Wow, sorry for the delay in posts. Our household has been busy. Really really busy. With my husband's work doing one of their biggest community outreaches and life in retail for me during the Christmas season, woo it's been quite the schedule lately.

I am happy to report I've been watching a little one (baby A again). My heart has been so happy to snuggle and love on him for the past week and beginning of this one. I am getting up at 6 every morning and preparing for him to come at 6:30. Packing lunches for the three teenagers in my house before 6:30 and this morning giving Baby A a bath. I am such a content momma right now. I love the sound of his breathing as he sleeps and the sweet smell of baby lotion that lingers in the house after he heads home for the night.

We've had a few calls since the last I posted. One that we said yes to that fell through and one we said no to. The yes that fell through was pretty heartbreaking, we were so excited about having her and when she ended up with someone else, that was hard. The one we said no to was a 2 am phone call that would have been for two little ones and we didn't feel like we were the right home for them. Although it was terribly hard to say no, it was the right choice. Praying that God would continue to direct our decisions and also our hearts as we get calls and make some hard choices. Hearing the sad stories that take place in families right here in our city is difficult... and I don't think I will ever get used to processing them...

It's been a full day with Baby A and I work tonight at Von Maur, I have to say I am ready for my retail to be done, I much prefer taking care of babies at home! Although my co-workers are amazing, looking forward to this being my last week there (until next year). Off to play with Baby A! :)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ticket please.

I feel like I have purchased a ticket for a roller coaster... I've sat down and the ride has been this steep hill that we've finally crested..the plunge has ended... and the ups and downs of the subsequent hills have begun. We had our first part time placement and it ended yesterday, I received a phone call before noon today and I was so excited. It was another little one and we gladly accepted the placement. Now, after doing some shopping for him, we received another phone call at 4pm that they found a family member to take him instead... although that's great for the family, my heart is so heavy... I feel like my mind and heart ran through many months ahead thinking about what was to come and what our lives would look like... I'm having a hard time believing that he won't be here tonight... I was ready... the roller coaster is in full swing and I'm holding on to the hope that our time will come....

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Baby A

We've had a temporary "daycare placement," that's what I'd call it for the past few days and it's been amazing. This sweet little baby is about 3 weeks old and I've had the joy of watching him from about 6:30am to about 4:00. It's amazing how little he is, how sweet it is watching him sleep and snuggle. My heart is full. Hoping for a full time placement is hard, because honestly it's hard to want a family to be split up... so I can't really saying hoping, but I'm ready for it any day now.... I think I'll have "baby A" as we call him, since he is our first baby for a few more days and I'll be enjoying every minute of it.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

'Tis the Season for Thanks! Love that this time of year brings to mind lots of things to be thankful for. I am so grateful that our foster care license is complete and we are now ready to take a little one! We've already received two calls and one of the situations fell through and the other we said no to. That was hard for me, saying, actually Michael made that call to say no. I had the privilege of texting a friend after that and she wrote something that absolutely soothed my troubled heart. She said, "God's got this! He won't let you make the wrong decision for you both love Him and submit to Him. You are journeying well, my friend." How amazing is that? I will cherish and hold on to those words, they will remind me during times where I question whether or not I made the right choice and trust that indeed God's got this! Blessed and thankful for a friend like her!

So today I give thanks with a grateful heart that we can officially begin our foster care journey. Also, that God is faithful to put amazing friends and family in my life, who will walk with us as we serve the children of our community.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Licensed Soon!!

Just got word from our agency partner that we should be licensed today or tomorrow! Praise the Lord!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Orphans Among Us

Last Sunday we had the blessing of attending a class at LBC with other foster & adoptive parents called "Orphans Among Us". It was wonderful to gather together with like minded Christians who are journeying the foster care system. We had lots of round table discussions and got to know some new faces. I am incredibly excited to gather again with these people soon. We had the chance to hear from a case worker here in Lincoln and also an attorney share their journey and how to pray as we move forward.

It made me all the more ready for our processing to be done. I am so ready to be licensed and have that checked off our list. It feels like it's taken a long time for our agency partner to get our paperwork in and we are still waiting on the state to get back to us. I plan to give our worker a call tomorrow and touch base. After our wonderful meeting on Sunday, my heart is feeling more stirred to start serving! 

Looking forward to letting all of you know when the process of licensing is complete! Praying it's soon!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Still an hour left in my Thankful Thursday!

Thankful for so many things. I honestly hate to focus on just one thing, but I will tonight. I am thankful for relaxation in the form of a bubble bath. That's the way my night has winded down and I needed it!

Conversations in our living room tonight consisted of a very heavy topic. Our exchange student has some very strong opinions. He is passionate about what he's learned and seems to have a hard time believing that there might be another way to look at something. He likes talking about war and leaders of other countries, he enjoys telling us about what he knows or what he's studied about. What caught me off guard was his take on WWII and hearing some of his teachings in China about the Jewish people and in particular Hitler were hard to swallow and honestly just wrong. My heart was heavy and I had a hard time staying calm about what he was saying. I don't want to go into a play by play, but let's just say I had to walk away from the conversation. Michael was great at not getting emotional, but well, I on the other hand got all emotional. Pray for Ethan, pray that he would be open to learning, that he would leave room in his head for others viewpoints, that he would seek to know more than what he think he knows. Pray that he would question... because so much in life requires our questioning...

This brings me to the bubble bath. After our conversation, I let Michael end the chat with Ethan and took a long bubble bath. I put on some great music and soaked away my worries and laid my heavy heart at the feet of my precious Jesus. So thankful for my calgon take me away moment!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Whew, life is crazy!

I apologize for taking my sweet time getting back to blogging. I have missed the time I take to stop and reflect on the weeks that have gone by. November is here! October was filled with lots of great memories; Ethan (our foreign exchange student from China) arrived safely to the USA and to our home, production week at school went great (read more about that here at my hubby's blog) ,we celebrated our first Halloween in our new house, I am volunteering with the Color Guard at school helping them polish and develop routines for marching band and winter guard, also I start wrapping Christmas gifts at Von Maur in a couple weeks!

I love that November causes most of us to ponder all the great things we are thankful for. I know that I sometimes need the reminder to stop and enjoy what's happening here and now. Not to think ahead to the next thing on my list, but to enjoy the moment. I am very excited to be celebrating two of my nephews birthdays tomorrow and plan to also enjoy the Husker game with the family as well. Can't wait to catch up with everyone! It's been a busy fall and there is nothing like being together with your siblings to hear about what's happening in their lives and planning our next family get together at Thanksgiving! Love this time of year!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Plan Ahead? Nah!

Planning ahead isn't always my strong suit. Our weekend was busy with kids' activities and life in general made the weekend fly by! I hadn't really thought ahead to packing lunches for my now 3 kids this morning and so they ended up with a hot lunch delivered by me from Hy-Vee. :) I don't think they minded this at all, actually I think they enjoy the days I don't plan ahead for. Spontaneous hot lunch is a great thing! I did make it to the store this afternoon and have now planned out the next few days for packing lunch and dinners until Michael does our grocery shopping later this week. I love that he plans out our meals for the month! I only need to worry about the staples that we run out of.  I appreciate his ability to manage our food and help with a task that I don't enjoy doing at all. I am a spoiled girl!

Here's to Monday and not always having everything planned out perfectly. Often times that's the fun in life, the moments you never plan for!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

It's a little later in the day than my typical Thankful Thursday post, but I have the joy of reflecting back on the whole day now. Date day today was amazing... my wonderful honey took me out on the town! He planned a lunch date at one of my new favorite restaurants in Lincoln, Dozo! Then after our great lunch of sushi, he took me shopping at a fun local wine shop, then we headed off to get some ice cream at Ivanna Cone! He's the sweetest! I love that my husband plans dates after 15 years of marriage. I am a blessed woman! So that's what I am thankful for today, an amazing husband!

Love you Michael!

Monday, October 8, 2012


Happy to report that Ethan has arrived in Lincoln from Beijing, China. He had quite the experience coming here though. He spent 28 hours in the Chicago airport due to customs hold ups and missing the flight due to exhaustion and sleeping thorough it the next day. So he ended up flying into Lincoln late last night. Everyone is glad he is here safe and sound. He is very tired still though! His Aunt and Uncle live here in Lincoln and they have kept him last night and they are also keeping him tonight. We had the joy of hanging out with him this evening and can't wait until he can join our family tomorrow!! The boys had a great time bonding over PS3 and talking sports, Ethan seems to blend right in to the family! He brought us some amazing gifts from Nepal, he has traveled all over the world and we look forward to hearing more about his trips everywhere. It's amazing to think that he'd end up going to school here in Lincoln, NE. We are so happy he chose to come to the States!

Here's a few pictures:

Looking forward to all the fun we'll have this year!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

It feels like a great day to post some pictures of things I am thankful for!

                                       The room is ready for our foreign exchange student! :)

Love how my boys goof around!

Spending time hanging out with my sweet girl!

Loving the way the trees are dressed in their fall best!

My honey's cooking! Love that he blesses us with cooking dinner!

Hope you have a wonderful Thursday! There is so much to be thankful for! :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

It's Fall Y'all!

It's that time of year to welcome in Fall! I thought that my front porch needed a new wreath, so I got a few supplies and did some creating. I purchased ribbon, picks, and a wreath made from raffia. All I needed after that was a good hot glue gun and about a half hour to complete the project. Hope you feel inspired to create your own wreath! Happy Fall Y'all!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

Is it Thursday already? This week has gone really fast!

Fly by highlights of the week:

Laughter with friends. Isn't it wonderful to have people in your life who get your crazy humor and who make you laugh? So blessed.

Lunch dates. Had a couple this week. One with the hubby and one with a girlfriend.

Short school week. It's parent/teacher conference week at our kids' school. So half day Tues. half day today! And NO School Friday! Yay!

Rearranged furniture. I thoroughly enjoy doing this, or I should say, that my honey does this for me! We changed beds around in our house and got the foreign exchange students room all set up!

Helping a friend decorate. I love decorating and am always excited when I get to help someone else!

Football game night. Heading out to a football game tonight and looking forward to the fellowship and cheering on our Lincoln Christian Crusaders!

Ordered a corsage for my son's date on Friday. It's fall bash and I love going into a floral shop and picking out something unique for his date to wear. What an exciting time!

Those were a few highlights of the week. It's been a wonderful, fantastic, and immensely great one!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Embracing Life

I had a day that was really wonderful. Wanted to just list out all the little things that make life so good.

1. I feel really good, my allergies are getting less horrible! :)

2.  I worked with 3 and 4 year olds today with an amazing group of people. 

3. I had lunch with my sweet friend Amy and went to this fun little restaurant called Pepe's the environment, food and conversations were just amazing!

4. Got to do some shopping by myself tonight because I took Faith and her friend Hannah to a football game.

5. Took my lovely daughter out for a date night while our boys were at school.

6. And we are making it a family movie night! 

This day was so wonderful! So many days just zip by and I forget to stop and take in each moment, to really enjoy the little things.. What a great day! Thankful! 

Monday, September 24, 2012

It's not really ours...

In church yesterday they showed a video of a couple who sold their house and downsized, and I will paraphrase here on what I heard... they felt convicted that the life they were living needed an overhaul. They wanted to give more of what God had blessed them with back to others. This story of sacrifice inspired me in that we should be willing to give up and share what's not really ours anyway, it's God's.

I feel that this is our season of doing just that, our season to open our home to foster children and to a foreign exchange student. We are blessed to have a 5 bedroom house. A house that is such a blessing in so many ways; one of my favorite reasons is that we are only 2 minutes from our kids' school! What a wonderful opportunity to open our home up and use the bedrooms that we have, not just for ourselves, but for others. I am so excited to see what our story will look like, what amazing things will happen at our dinner table, people we've not yet met who we will come to call family, and I am thankful that we have room to spare! We are planning on welcoming in a young man from China soon. They are just waiting on his visa to get finalized. Pray that goes quickly for him. Hoping to have him here with us in a few weeks! I look forward to getting to know him and I know that Caleb and he will enjoy being sophomores together at LCS.  Missions is still a passion in our hearts and God continues to use that passion in only ways He could foresee.

 I am also excited to begin taking in a foster baby soon as well. We are waiting on the State's final seal of approval and should be licensed in about 2 wks. Can't wait to welcome in a new little one to our lives. Feel so blessed that we can step up and help. There is such a need for good foster parents in our state and city. Thankful that we have the room to take in a child for as long as needed. So we will converge on these very awesome opportunities at about the same time.

Thankful for the road we're on, for the many blessings we have, for a full heart as God expands our family in some unexpected ways, it's such an answer to prayer...stay tuned for details on all these moments ahead!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

Today is a good day. Everyday holds something to be thankful for and today I am going to share a few happy things that are happening in our life.

1. It's Date Day! Thursdays have become the day that Michael and I take a day to catch up with each other and have a date.  Today that included rearranging furniture in our house, going to the mall to look around, eating lunch at Wendy's, and meeting with our social worker Beth and signing our paperwork to begin our foster parent journey. I love that my husband makes me a priority, that he chooses to spend time with me doing little things, and that he still likes to date his wife!

2.  It's Nacho Night. I don't know if I can accurately describe how much I enjoy this dinner. I love that its simple and oh so tasty! Tonight I am changing it up a bit and using chicken instead of beef.. that's a fun change.

3.  My parents are coming for a visit tonight. I know that they just moved back to their own space, but they have a few things here still to get and they get to enjoy Nacho Night with us too! It'll be nice to hang out tonight and catch up.. cuz you know it's been like two days since we've seen each other.. ;)

4.  The house is totally clean. In doing some rearranging of furniture our house has been cleaned from top to bottom. That's always such a great feeling. I can enjoy some relaxation tonight and not worry about a single to-do!

That's just a few happy little things going on in my life this Thursday! Thankful for so many blessings!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Am I pretty?

I've had a few moments lately where I've struggled with the age old question.. am I pretty? Ugh, that's hard to even say without the fear of people trying to reassure me that, "of course you are." and the last thing I need right now is comments like that adding to my self doubt... because then the reassurance in my head sounds like, "we have to say this..." and this is not my point at all. My point is I hate when I have days like this. I hate feeling like I'm not acceptable... but the real issue is that I feel like I am lacking something and I know deep down that I am acceptable, I am loved.. I just need to go to the One who can cover me in truth about who I am and not go searching for an ego boost from anywhere else.

I think I am in need of a long bubble bath and maybe a bit of pampering in the form of painting my nails and toes. That always perks me up! The struggle with my outward appearance will always be a struggle in the world we live in, I will always see someone thinner, better dressed, and more pulled together than I feel.. but I know that as it says in 1 Peter 3:3-4 "your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gently and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." I also need to remember Psalm 139:14, I love how the Message says it; "Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother's womb. I thank you, High God - you're breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration - what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day."

Needed that reminder that I am marvelously made and getting it from the One who created me... nothing beats that!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Healed and Heading Out

Really thankful that my dad is fully healed! The recovery of replacing his ankle and fusing it is complete and he is wearing a shoe on both feet! No more boot!

I went to Omaha with my dad today and got to see the x-rays and was amazed yet again that doctors can do what they do.. all the screws and rods that are holding my dad's leg together and ankle in place. Amazing! Really grateful that he's not in any pain anymore! That's a huge blessing!

So tomorrow is moving day for my parents. They've been with us about 4 months and we've all settled into our routines... but tomorrow we will all have to settle into new routines.  They'll be back on the road come October and heading back down to TX, so it was quite a treat having them here for the summer! Thankful for the times we spent together and the blessing of having room for them to stay and recover. I'll miss the full candy dishes and many options of coffee's. Also, the running all over Lincoln shopping with my mom and finding treasures together. We've shared lots of laughs and experienced life together, both the good and the bad days; it's gone both fast and slow, but tonight it really does feel like it flew by. I can honestly say it was a wonderful experience, life goes by really fast and I am thankful for the moments we shared together these past months.

My kids will remember this summer forever, they've gotten to know their grandparents better, so many memories and life lessons they won't forget! So many funny things, life experiences, and good conversations that came out of living under the same roof together. Tomorrow they'll set out and move back to their home on wheels and we'll look forward to hearing about their adventures on the road!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Making it official

Tonight I received a call from our social worker, we are setting the date to finalize the paperwork to become foster parents. I am feeling a lot of emotions as we enter this next journey of our lives. I don't know if I can put into words all the little things and big things running through my brain, but I will do my best to tackle a few of them.

Anxious. Anxious about all the unknowns. I feel like that kind of sums up our life most of the time though. We make big decisions and take some risks without too much anxiety, but there are times in our near past where that's caused some heartache and honestly, I know that there will be heartache involved as we journey the foster care system as foster parents. We've been prepared in classes about how hard this will be. But we can do hard things! There is so much good that comes as you push through and deal with difficult situations, so much growing takes place when things aren't easy. I am ready for this.

Excited. I really am looking forward to having little one(s) back in our household! I can't wait to hear their little voice and hold a baby again. We've set up the room and put up a crib, gotten out some of our kids' little baby toys. I know that it will be a wonderful experience in so many ways and look forward to adding to our family and watching a new little one learn new things and love on them!

Hopeful. I really like Cedars Foster Care Agency. They've been wonderful to partner with and learn from. The workers are great and I feel confident that they will give us the support we need and will lead us to the right fit for us and the child(ren) we will take in. I have such hope that things will be good and that the outcome will always be what's best for the child. I know that may sound naive, but I know that God has this whole thing in His hands and that we will do our part in opening up our home and taking care of the children who will be placed with us and the rest is in His hands.

That last sentence really takes me back to my first emotion... I know that the truth is God's got it all under control... letting go of my worries is hard, I tend to worry... but truth is taking hold..
Philippians 4:6 says, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Yet here I am being anxious. May the words of my heart be filled with thanksgiving as I lay my worries down and know that the God of the universe has my heart and He's got this! He's got this!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Little Ones

Phew! My morning was filled with the usual get the kids ready for school, packing lunches, and then because it's Tuesday I am off to work with three and four year olds at church for a few hours. This was the kick off day for Fall Women's Bible Studies and we had lots of little kids to fill our classroom today. It's such a blessing to go to a church that gives free childcare while the parents are taking a class. Lots of eager moms ready for some adult conversations!

I have the privilege of working with the same wonderful people from last year. I have such fun with Jeff, Evan, and Sharon. We held down the fort with about 25 little kids today... I don't know how kindergarten teachers do it everyday.. wow, they are a busy bunch! We do story time, gym time, snack time, and of course a craft. Which today involved gluing with glue bottles... I am thinking we need to get some glue sticks. You should have seen the amounts of glue it takes to glue down construction paper to a lunch sack to make a puppet when a 3 year old is in charge.. I think we went through more than expected.  Next week we need to revamp the craft so that they can have more independence in the craft without all the teachers hovering over them.

Anyway, I am home and taking a breather until I need to pick up my own kids from school. I am thankful for some quiet time! Wonder if I should get out of the house for a bit before then? My mom is upstairs and I know it won't take much to convince her to go running. Thinking a good thrift store sounds like a perfect afternoon adventure. Off to treasure hunt!

Monday, September 10, 2012

A New Look!

Really excited about the new changes that I had the privilege of working on with my friend Amy Bowman who's blog is! She's amazing and she helped me make my blog easier for my readers to get around and showed me how to label my blog posts and make pages! So thankful for her help!!

Although not everything is done;  it's still a work in progress I look forward to puttering around and getting it cleaned up. Loving the fresh look and excited to share what's going on in my life. What do you think of it? Any other suggestions or tips you've found that have helped you? Let me know!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Room to grow

My heart is yearning today for the children I've never met. The foster care process is complete, we are just waiting on final paperwork and I am ready to embark on the next step. Ready to grow our household and very ready to see and hold the little ones who's room we've prepared.

My struggle of infertility and training and preparation through foster care gives me a unique perspective at times. I see the parents of these children in the foster system and wonder how they could take for-granted the blessing that they have. How could they make choices that damage and destroy flesh of their flesh? Michael and I have prayed many times as we've walked through infertility that God would bless us again with flesh of our flesh, but God had better plans and we are finally seeing what that plan was... it was that we would pour ourselves out and open our hearts to the children in our city who need love and family for however long or short the amount of time, there is a need. And we are willing and able to fit that need. I can now honestly say I am grateful for the struggle of infertility. I have a softness to my heart when it comes to others walking the same road, I also have seen the miracle of pregnancy against odds that seemed insurmountable... although that wasn't our journey through fertility treatments, we remain joyful in the Lord that He knows more and we trust that His way will be far better... So we are anticipating good things, knowing that the road of fostering will not be easy, but it will be rewarding, that God is already preparing our hearts and home for the little ones who will be in it and we are praying that we will have permanency with them, that we could adopt more children and grow our family.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Multi-generational living

My dad is healing well from his surgery and I am happy to post that my parents and their dog will be moving back to their RV on Sept. 18th. We've enjoyed many wonderful, challenging, funny, and creative moments together. They will have lived with us 108 days by the time they move out; that's about 1/3 of a year. Some days it feels like it went fast and others it feels like its been forever. I will miss many things about them not being here. I've enjoyed shopping with my mom, her eye for decorating, and always having a willing partner when I run errands! I will miss many things about my dad too. His ever present sense of humor, greetings when I walk out of my room in the morning, talking politics and drinking wine or beer on the deck with him, and his jewelry making skills!

It's been a summer of memories and my kids will always remember the time their grandparents spent with us. They've really gotten to know them better, we've learned new things about them, they've learned new things about us. I am sure that they won't miss my constant insistence of a clean kitchen. My mom will be able to go back to her normal routines without having to think about mine. She'll be able to wash laundry whenever, not worry about all the hair her dog sheds and my constant vacuuming... :) I will miss their Dyson vacuum soooo much! I think I need to head out right after they leave and buy one! It was amazing!

All the funny quirks that make your family your family, my parents got a front row seat to ours and we also got a front row seat to their marriage. I am grateful for that, that we know each other better after they've lived here and that we survived it and still have a wonderful relationship. God is Good!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Feeling down and out

I love football season. I enjoy the time spent with my family and friends in front of the TV rooting on my favorite teams. It's football Saturday and I felt down and out.. my allergies are bugging me and I think I am battling something more on top of that.

Needless to say I spent most of the day dozing on and off on the couch catching the Huskers here and there win the game. Michael and Caleb had an amazing opportunity from my brother Kraig to go to Memorial Stadium for the opening game of the season. They sat on the 40th yard line about 15 rows up.. super fantastic seats!

Michael was generous and made a pot of chili before he headed out to tailgate before the game and I was so grateful that I didn't need to plan the menu due to the fact I am feeling ucky. If you know me, I love a clean house, I work really hard keeping on top of everything, I vacuum almost daily, mop at least every other day, dishes are done right away, I am not trying to sound all uppity about it, it's just my usual routine. But today was not my usual, I feel sluggish and I didn't do the usual. My husband comes home from his day away and the dishwasher hadn't been started, it was pretty full I guess, the kitchen was kind of messy, and he was upset. He likes a tidy house and usually that's the way it looks. I was hurt by his frustrated comments about me leaving things a mess, and I cried. I am still fighting tears as I write this, I hate disappointing people. I struggle with letting someone down and I feel like I don't really have an excuse to just let down for an afternoon. Am I painting a stark picture of my husbands response to me? I don't mean to make him out to be some demanding perfectionist, he's not and he is incredibly helpful, he does almost all the cooking and I so appreciate and love him. But our marriage isn't perfect, we mess up, say the wrong things, don't apologize, and so on. This is just one of those moments, those days where my husband is not being sensitive to me. Hate nights like this, hate feeling sick and really hate knowing that my natural response is to just push myself to the extreme and clean every nook and cranny tonight, even though I feel feverish and icky. So, what should I do? .. I have no good response... so, off to bed; this girl is tired and moody!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Everyday task..

I have written a few paragraphs only to erase them twice... I guess I don't know quite what to write about today. My normal life this week wasn't very exciting. I feel mostly tired. I haven't quite settled into our school routine. I am still staying up too late and trying to feel motivated in the morning to be creative when packing my kiddos lunches hasn't always panned out. Yes, the lunches have been packed and ready, but I am lacking that creative drive. Pinterest has many good ideas and I have a goal for next week to try a few of them. I want to cut down on my use of baggies, I need to invest in some good containers that the kids can use over and over.

I think my kids would enjoy knowing that I've taken time to consider some new and fun options for them, putting a smile on their faces while they unpack that days creation. I love art and need to incorporate an art themed lunch.. I love an everything the same color lunch. I will try and take some fun pictures to document my endeavor. Here's to a fun creative outlet in an everyday task! 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Thrifting know how

As a child I went "boutiquing" as my mom liked to call it many Saturdays. There were tips that I was taught about how to thrift; to get the most out of my money. I thought I should impart this wisdom and let you into the little world of finding treasure amidst other's throw aways. I see it as the ultimate recycling and love the thrill of the hunt, knowing that my wish list of vintage things could be found at any local thrift store is so exciting. Here's a list of tips to help you conquer this quest:

1. Label shop! The point here is that good quality items last longer, so if you're spending $1.99 you might as well spend it on great brands!

2. Have  a wish list. I have certain items I know I need or that I've been searching for. Knowing a purpose behind your shopping is good sometimes to help you narrow down your options.

3. Keep an open mind. I know this kind of contrasts #2, but looking at things in  new ways is important when thrifting. You need to think outside the box sometimes.

4. Buy what you love. If you are hesitating on the item, but keep going back to only the price (what a deal it is), it might not be worth buying, even if it's a good deal.

5. Shop often. Knowing the store and when they offer sale days & when they place "new" items is important, get to know these things and be savvy about when you shop.

I look around my home and am thankful I was introduced to this adventure early in life. Thanks Mom!

Happy Thrifting! :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Inner Ramblings & the moments after

I have many conversations inside my head; those thoughts that bounce around prior to a conversation, or one that is yet to be.. or maybe one that will never come at all. I have found that sharing my thoughts in written format scares me. Although I greatly appreicate reading the honest, gut wrenching moments in others blogs,  I am struggling with being that transparent in mine.

My blog tends to edit the moments that could step on others toes or hurt feelings.   I just can't bring myself to the point of feeling like it'll be okay to share them.... but isn't that the point of this? Isn't my heart crying out to share the deep moments, the real life, the mess.. I crave that. So where do I start? And how much do I share? I think I will just start being "more me"... I may shock, offend, or annoy folks in the process, but all opinions can do that right? ... the honest truth may not happen as quickly as I dream.  The layers may take some time to peel back... but I am taking a baby step..

Looking back at the journey that got me to this day, this moment at the pool talking with women who share their world with others through blogs, who open their hearts for all to see, I am inspired to do the same. Grateful to know and meet such brave women. Life is messy. I am imperfect. There, that was freeing! Welcome to my imperfect mess!

What is my greatest fear in being more real? That's the question that's been stewing in my head this afternoon. What will happen if I just lay it out there... will people still like me? That's what it comes down to for me most...being likable.. does that just sound crazy shallow? I think I am mostly likable... I can be a lot of fun, I am positive most days, but what about those days and times when I am no fun to be around, when I am feeling discouraged, angry, and overall ugly... will I still be likable? And why is being likable more important to me than authentic?. That's pandora's box for me... I have so many tales to tell about why pretending or putting on a face is sometimes my natural reaction rather than honesty.  Hurt and shame can cause me to put on the mask or ignore the pain... BUT I am praising God that I am recognizing that a bit more quickly now, and I am trying to be more intentional with my friendships, to live life on life more openly, talking through the mess and knowing that the mess of life doesn't define me, I am who I am in Christ and He loves me. So my security can be found only in Jesus. I am secure to share the ups and downs, the joys and triumphs, heart aches and burdens; honestly without fear, but with tenderness and empathy.

Friday, July 20, 2012


Yesterday was a very exciting day for us. We put up a crib! I can't even explain in words how that simple task wrecked my heart in such great ways. I found myself imagining all the possibilities and relishing in the simple fact that soon a little one will sleep in that crib, make cooing noises, cry, fuss, giggle, babble, chat, and my little heart is all a flutter!

The reality of the circumstances behind why that little one will be lying in this crib gets my heart wrecked for a whole other reason. Abuse of some form will have taken place to remove this precious little one from their biological parent(s). My heart is heavy and we've already starting praying for the sweet child(ren) who will grace our home with their presence. Praying also for our hearts as a family as we deal with the ups and downs of the foster system...

I am tinkering in the "baby room" as we've donned it, buying cute bed sheets, baby books, blankets, and little things that make it feel ready for our new occupant(s). We are also setting up a twin bed, so that we'll have room for two kiddos if need be. I will post some pictures of our process. I think I have decided on a theme for the room, a forest friends theme. That way if it's little boys or little girls I can tinker with some things to make it more fitting for either. Our room is a spring green color, which I think is great, I can accent with brown and blue for boys and pink for girls. I am loving this new project.. my heart is anticipating all that is yet to come, but I am so thankful for the moments of getting it ready, watching my honey put up the crib was such a joy! Can't wait to welcome a little one or two home.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Life is full of changes!

It's been almost 2 months since I've written anything, where has the time gone? We've had so many transitions in these 2 months of my absence. We've moved to a house, my parents are living with us, we are currently going through the foster care process to become foster parents, and summer is in full swing.

Our move to the new house has been such a wonderful blessing. We have a five bedroom house, which has come in very handy! We were able to give my parents their own room and bathroom as my dad is recovering from ankle fusion surgery. He will have to be in a non-walking cast until Sept. 18th. It's been quite a transition for both them and us as we are getting used to living together. This will be a summer that we will always remember! With my parents being on the road most of the year, it's been nice to reconnect and spend lots of time together. Oh, and we also are housing their doggy Spot too... so it's a busy household!

We are only planning on it getting busier, we are going through foster care training and are hoping to be certified come this September. We are looking forward to adding to our household and are hoping that God will provide some permanent kiddos to our family as well. It's been an eyeopening process as we've learned some heartbreaking things about what our world around us is like here in Lincoln. We are constantly praying for the little ones who will be staying with us even if we don't know who they are, our wonderful Lord does. Our kids are mostly excited to have some new faces joining our life, everyone is a bit nervous about certain things, but know that we can trust that God knows everything that will come and he's got our hearts in His hands.

Summer is in full swing and we are having a lot of fun. Our summer has been busy serving in ministry. Caleb was a camp counselor at Camp Maranatha, Faith is currently serving a special needs child at VBS, and all of us have had the joy of doing Circle Ministry at Peter Pan Park here in Lincoln on Tuesday nights with City Impact.  Faith and I had the privilege of shopping for the ILA kids with some great ladies. Our home has been a flurry of activities with friends, our kids' friends who seem to fill up our basement whenever they can. :) God has been good! We've enjoyed all the ministry opportunities as a family!!  We are hoping to get away sometime in early August for a family getaway. We aren't quite sure what that will look like yet, but know that we all could use it.

Friday, May 11, 2012


Spending the day with my sister in law yesterday decorating for my nieces graduation party was so energizing! There were many little to-do's to get done but the best part was personalizing and thinking outside the standard graduation decorations. We had such a wonderful time hanging an amazing paper lantern display, using old furniture in new ways, adding a wishing well guest book, creating cute banners.. the list could you on.. it was just a wonderful day of putting together our creative minds and running with them! I will have to post pictures from the Saturday event so you can see all the fun little projects. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family, I am looking forward to celebrating another graduation and look forward to the many more that are yet to come. Congratulations Natasha!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Getting Ready?

Are you like me, that each day feels like you spend it getting ready for something else? I have found that lately I am constantly preparing for the next thing.. Our past few weeks have been busy!! We've had Musical Production going on, golf, concerts, painting at the new house, moving preparations, etc, etc... Each moment I spend a lot of time thinking about what's next, what needs to be accomplished, where I need to be getting to... arrghh the pace at times is maddening!

I am content to be sitting on my couch right now blogging.. thinking only of the words running through my head and feeling relief that it's at least my sole focus at this moment. I was listening to the radio this morning on the way home from dropping the kids off from school and the radio talk was about May Day. And how "mayday" can in turn mean a cry for help.. I loved the play on words and the thought that how often in my hectic pace of life I cry out to God for help... I felt a tug on my heart to lay down my day.. to give it to the Father who knows my worries, plans, expectations.. I can lay it down at His feet and let it go..

I want to be intentional about living in the moment, to enjoy the simple things that each day brings, to know that you can't relive this exact time and embrace the miracle of another day without thinking about what's to come... it's a struggle when you are in charge of the family calendar, but I know that time goes by so quickly.. I've watched another school year buzz by.. praying for help today to slow down.. to live in today, not getting ready for tomorrow.. but being present now...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Looking ahead in my calendar at the month of June and it's astonishing to see the changes. We've gone from moving to Italy to moving across town. I am so excited to be moving closer to our kids' school and very excited to live in a house again. God's timing is magnificent, the way that He has used June 1st in our lives truly does amaze me. Our official move date really didn't change, just the location... and that makes me giggle.. how funny that it worked out that way.

I can't wait to be two minutes from the kids' school! I can't tell you how much in gas that is going to save our family.. A LOT! This week alone I make 3 trips to school each day.. with Musical practice, golf practice, volunteering in the Art room, drop off, pick up... it's going to be wonderful that my kids can actually walk to school and home if they need to.. what a blessing!! I am busy mental planning layout of furniture in the house, thinking about color palette, and how much I want to use the whirlpool tub.. ;) The Lord is Good and His timing is perfect! So excited to share with you this new adventure... and I need to mention that we have awesome neighbors.. our besties the Roeloffs' house is pretty much in our back yard... oh, it's going to be SWEET!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pondering Finances..

Michael and I are taking a financial class right now and it's been so stretching and great to talk about the hows and whys of money management and our own personal experiences and lifestyle in all things money related. We are finding out how much work it is to manage it properly. At the end of our class session a few days ago, a scripture was shared. It is Proverbs 30:8 which states, Remove far from me falsehood and lying; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me,

The question that was posed after reading through it was when was the last time you prayed that God wouldn't give you riches? How many times do you pray that God will fix things financially by just giving you more money? This question struck me... hmm do I pray for neither poverty or riches? It's a great prayer to pray, that I would have balance in my life, find contentment with what God has given to me and realize that money doesn't solve everything. We are responsible for what God has given to us, He's entrusted us here in America with an abundance if you look at the majority of the world. Do I realize the great blessings I have? The richness of the gifts I've received? Am I content? Do I praise God for what we have? The train of thought continued inward to a heart evaluation.. I've seen with new eyes the blessing of what we have. 

I am seeking to be content, it's such a battle in this very materialistic society we live in, it's hard to not be tricked into thinking that want is need. But want is NOT need.. and finding out what is really need and what is only want is sometimes blurry.. praying that God would continue to be patient with me.. I have a long way to go.. but I am thankful for this journey.. grateful for what God is revealing about my heart condition with money and slowly showing me another area in my life where I need more of Him and less of me..

Monday, April 16, 2012

Marriage & Such

I have been quite focused lately on my wonderful husband and his new job. This amazing job, that fits his gifts and abilities so well, it has truly blessed my heart to watch his transition into this job and be a part of the ministry in a small way with him as well.

I've needed some time to process the changes to our life. We've gone from not feeling permanent here in Lincoln to feeling very permanent. It's been about three months now of coping with that and it's still surreal at times . My journey these past few months has included so many high points, I've felt almost as though it's too good to be true at times... which isn't typically my personality, I tend to be ever optimistic, but I've caught myself feeling this, "can it really be this good?" ... And so far.. yup!.. it's a season of God's awesome blessing... thank you Lord for blessing my husband with this job! :)

I am very thankful for Michael and the way that the Lord has bonded us together through these changing times, how we've learned to communicate through stress, anxiety, pressure, uncertainty and still remain strong in our marriage. Praising God today for giving me such an awesome man!  Are you wondering if I tell him this all the time? If I feel this way every moment? The answer is..  yes ... okay more like, I am trying. I fall short of the perfect wife category by like a million.. and he falls short of perfect too.. But this is not about perfect, it's not about keeping score, or doing everything the way I think he should. It's about the choice to love him anyway, the choice to respect him, honor him and must importantly esteem him.. because don't we all want that from our spouse? Don't you want that for your children from their future spouse? My hope is that at the end of the day, each day, Michael knows that I love him.. no matter what. Praying that my actions and words today affirm what I know to be true. Hoping to be a more loving and supportive wife, there are times when I fall short, but what I've learned over the course of this year is that love remains. It's work, but what joy I feel knowing no matter what life brings, good or bad, I've got a husband willing to stand by me and love me and I will do the same!

Friday, February 17, 2012

13 Surprises!

The adventure of 13 surprises to fill Faith's day was so much fun! So I came up with 13 little things to do  to honor her big day of becoming an official teenager!! Here's a peek into her day.. enjoy!

1. 13 Balloons on the floor of her room when she woke up.

2. Streamers around her door frame to add a little pizazz to her room

3. Birthday Breakfast of Birthday cake pancakes candle and all!!

4. A special flower arrangement on the table with glitter ;)

5. A birthday outfit jewelry and all!

6. A special gift from her brother Caleb

7. Taking cupcake cones to her 1st class of the day to celebrate with friends.

8. Surprise Sushi for lunch- her favorite!

9. Getting helium balloons to surprise her when she gets out of school ;)

10.  A few more presents to open when she gets home from school- opened cards from Grandparent's, Godparents, and a few gifts from us.. :)

11. Birthday Dinner of her choice

12. Ice cream out at DQ!

13! Late night family movie night at home- her choice was actually catching up on our DVR! :) Didn't take pics for this one... :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Being a mom is such a huge blessing. I am so thankful that God chose me to raise my beautiful kids. Today especially as I reflect on the joy of pregnancy and giving birth to our little Faith. Who is not so little anymore, she is 13 years old today! Amazing! It's been 13 wonderful years with her... she's grown into quite an exceptional young woman.. I am feeling so thankful that I get to celebrate her today! 

I am coming up with 13 little things to do for her today to honor her big day of becoming an official teenager!! I am trying to capture each little & big thing on camera to document it. 

I have about half of the list done.. but I want to post pictures of what I did, so it will have to wait until tomorrow to be completed.. it's such an exciting day! Stay tuned until tomorrow to see the adventure of 13 surprises! 

Happy Birthday Faith!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Stumbling through life with His grace...

2 Corinthians 12:9

New International Version (NIV)
9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

I have found myself in a place of humble stumbles. You know what I mean? I can't do this life thing on my own. Because I stumble, I say the wrong things, I don't say anything, I stumble around as though I am walking in the dark in the middle of the night bumping into walls and tripping on who knows what. Sometimes life feels just like that...where you don't know where to turn or who to turn to and you feel weak...

I am thankful that I have Jesus. That He directs my steps, which often look very ungraceful.. he is still my ever present light in the darkness, my faithful Savior! What would I do without Him? The world and daily life hold lots of unknowns and uncertainty, but I am thankful for His grace that is sufficient for me. Those words hit me square in the face today... do I live as though His grace is sufficient? Am I living that? Today I just want to shout it off the rooftops... Jesus is enough! No matter what life brings, I hope that I will live out what He's done for me, show the people around me that in every situation He's there and His love sustains us!

Praising God for a brand new day, a new beginning, a joyous celebration for all He's given to us.. my cup is overflowing, He has brought us thorough! His grace is enough for me and the whole world... do you feel it? Do you know it? Remember the hope we have in Christ... celebrate His goodness and grace! His power is made perfect in your weakness. May Christ's power indeed rest upon you today!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The joy of being three..

I started a new job today. I am working at Lincoln Berean Church in childcare during Titus Women Bible Study. I am in charge of the three and four year old room and we had about 24 kiddos today. My four other co-workers were men, a very cool thing that men are serving in this role while the women's bible study is going on. It was a thoroughly enjoyable three and a half hours of work time!

Watching how little ones interact with each other and the dynamics of friendship at this age group is fascinating. I am amazed at how quickly most of the kids just play with everyone. However, there was one little boy today who did not open up quickly.  He hung onto me and stayed by my side almost all morning. He was new to the group.. some of these kiddos have gone through a few seasons of childcare together. He was so cute as he observed from afar how things were going.  I was happy to hold him and play close to the group, but not exactly with the group. I could see by the end of our time that he was taking small steps to hang out with his peers. I saw myself in him a bit. I love the comfort of knowing people, knowing how things are going to go, the routine of life. It's hard to figure out how things work when you're new to a situation, I am thankful when I have one person who seems to speak my language and am content to watch from afar as I figure out who I want to get to know better. I am looking forward to our next time together to see how he relates to the group. I know that with more encouragement he'll open up and play with someone. He was the sweetest thing, I was thankful for a bit of one on one with him today.

I am thankful for those few people in my life who speak my language.. who know my heart, who encourage me to open up... and push me on to new things!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Thoughts of a mom

Emotions of motherhood; I feel for my children and myself. It's strange how sensitive you can be for your own children. How you feel such empathy, hurt, happiness, nerves, whatever the feeling so strongly for them. I am dealing with emotions of feeling left out right now.. it's not really me who's being left out, but wow, you'd think it was, at the depth of the pain I feel when it happens to my kids.

Being in a new school, dealing with people who've known each other for years, established friendships and being the "new kid" is hard. I was talking with a friend today about how she is dealing with this same thing with her daughter who is much younger than my kids, but how we both thought that it might bother us more than it does our daughters. Isn't that a thought.. does it bother Faith as much as it bothers me? And so I asked her what she was feeling when this happens.. and she said, it does bother her a lot, but she tries to just ignore it.

Then there is the added bonus of social media, you find out about it through pictures on facebook or status updates as soon as the event is taking place... I am glad I didn't have facebook to deal with when I was in Jr. High or High School, it brings another element of social drama! Here's just another thing I need to lay down and try to push through with Jesus.. grateful for His grace and praying I can extend that grace as these situations happen.. I feel like I'm in high school again.. good thing I'm young and remember how it felt, it's very fresh in my mind.. hoping I can impart some wisdom to her as we deal with many more years of these types of things.. She'll make it through and so will I. Just pray for my heart and for good inclusive friendships!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy 34th Birthday...

I celebrated my 34th birthday on December 25th, so yes, I know it's not actually my birthday today, but I had the privilege of celebrating it with a wonderful girlfriend today! Teresa took me out to lunch and then to get a pedicure. You should see my cute toes.. they are red and sparkly! :) What a day of pampering it was!

Michael had written in my birthday card that my 35th would be better.. ha ha, due to the circumstances of our life right now, I think he was right... but it's important no matter what is happening to celebrate life. What a blessing it is to have a birthday and to celebrate another year of life.

Today was really fun! I am blessed to have such a wonderful friend who treated me to a wonderful afternoon. It made me stop and give thanks for this past year.. for another year of wisdom, friendships, and life.  No matter the circumstances surrounding us right now, there is much to be celebrating!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Year!

I have been silent for quite awhile. I've been slightly overwhelmed with our current situation and I haven't felt like sharing the emotion of it.. I've chosen instead to journal in a more private way. The journey isn't over, it's really only just beginning. But the beginning to what is still unknown to us.. we have a good feeling as to what and where we'll be serving, but right now we are  journeying the possibilities as a family.

I have to say that the grief has been difficult to take, the what ifs, what could have been, should we, could we, blah, blah.. runs over my mind, over our conversations less and less these days. Praise God! We've had many verbal vomit moments and talks through every which way things are, aren't, should be, shouldn't be and we just have to release it back to God. He knows... He sees each tear, hears every plea of our hearts and loves us when we are so unlovable. I am blessed by the wisdom of our children, amazed at their focus on what really matters and reminders as we wait on the Lord... Life Happens, but God is God no matter what life brings!

I have cried more tears than I thought possible, screamed out to God in utter frustration as we've dealt with this uncertainty, and many times I've felt like we've been left on the curb or like a little ant being burned with a large magnifying glass... that pretty much sums up my emotion the last few months.. but through it all, I know that God is faithful, that He is still on the throne, that He loves me even though I fail Him every single day.. I am so grateful for His unfailing love...

Also, so thankful for our supporters, the grace they have extended us is beyond belief! They've encouraged us through prayer and continued financial support as we are in transition.. we are so thankful for their love and the many ways they have supported us as we go through this. Praising God for their faithfulness! We are blessed by amazing friends and family who have journeyed the tough times, the raw emotion of the past few months and stuck by us. I can't even fathom how draining we've been... we are going to owe these people a really nice dinner out when this is all said and done! :)

I hope to be back to a more regular update through the blog.. 2012 is going to be a great year and I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store. Pray for us as we continue into a new ministry/mission... it's going to be good to have more details to share soon we pray!