Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The joy of being three..

I started a new job today. I am working at Lincoln Berean Church in childcare during Titus Women Bible Study. I am in charge of the three and four year old room and we had about 24 kiddos today. My four other co-workers were men, a very cool thing that men are serving in this role while the women's bible study is going on. It was a thoroughly enjoyable three and a half hours of work time!

Watching how little ones interact with each other and the dynamics of friendship at this age group is fascinating. I am amazed at how quickly most of the kids just play with everyone. However, there was one little boy today who did not open up quickly.  He hung onto me and stayed by my side almost all morning. He was new to the group.. some of these kiddos have gone through a few seasons of childcare together. He was so cute as he observed from afar how things were going.  I was happy to hold him and play close to the group, but not exactly with the group. I could see by the end of our time that he was taking small steps to hang out with his peers. I saw myself in him a bit. I love the comfort of knowing people, knowing how things are going to go, the routine of life. It's hard to figure out how things work when you're new to a situation, I am thankful when I have one person who seems to speak my language and am content to watch from afar as I figure out who I want to get to know better. I am looking forward to our next time together to see how he relates to the group. I know that with more encouragement he'll open up and play with someone. He was the sweetest thing, I was thankful for a bit of one on one with him today.

I am thankful for those few people in my life who speak my language.. who know my heart, who encourage me to open up... and push me on to new things!

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