Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Learning what matters most....

This Christmas season has been busy with some new activity. It's the first year we've experienced City Impact's Gifts of Love, doing foster care, and having a foreign exchange student.

Watching and hearing the community experience Christmas with dignity at Gifts of Love was really awesome. Last night the kids who participate in the ILA program had the chance to shop for their families, they were all very excited and it was cool to hear their stories and see their excitement!

Foster care has given me another view into what really matters. How often I stress out about trivial things and when you open your eyes and heart to the hurt all around you, I am struck by how selfish I can be. Our family has processed some tough things these past few days and we are praying and hoping that God will have his way in our lives... He's stretching us for sure. So, as Michael and I Christmas shop and look around us at the immense blessing of our family and children, we are even more aware of God's grace. I feel more aware of how it's not about what's under the tree, but it's about those who gather around it. I am so thankful for the safety of our home, for the love, laughter and peace that we enjoy. Praying for the children who don't have that, who are being abused, neglected, and forgotten this Christmas, may our eyes not be closed to the reality that surrounds us... praying that our house will soon be a place of healing for those in need!

Our foreign exchange student is experiencing Christmas American style for the first time... he's enjoying the food! He did some shopping last night and was able to buy some stocking stuffers. He is still struggling with language and also just engaging in life here in the States. I think he is really missing China and we are hoping that he soon embraces his new life here... because it's been a rough transition and he doesn't seem to want to be an American student. So your prayers are appreciated!

In this season of giving.. my heart is being transformed and I am thankful for the new perspective on life.. for the moments where I stop and appreciate God's love and peace in the midst of chaos.

Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

It's been BUSY!

Wow, sorry for the delay in posts. Our household has been busy. Really really busy. With my husband's work doing one of their biggest community outreaches and life in retail for me during the Christmas season, woo it's been quite the schedule lately.

I am happy to report I've been watching a little one (baby A again). My heart has been so happy to snuggle and love on him for the past week and beginning of this one. I am getting up at 6 every morning and preparing for him to come at 6:30. Packing lunches for the three teenagers in my house before 6:30 and this morning giving Baby A a bath. I am such a content momma right now. I love the sound of his breathing as he sleeps and the sweet smell of baby lotion that lingers in the house after he heads home for the night.

We've had a few calls since the last I posted. One that we said yes to that fell through and one we said no to. The yes that fell through was pretty heartbreaking, we were so excited about having her and when she ended up with someone else, that was hard. The one we said no to was a 2 am phone call that would have been for two little ones and we didn't feel like we were the right home for them. Although it was terribly hard to say no, it was the right choice. Praying that God would continue to direct our decisions and also our hearts as we get calls and make some hard choices. Hearing the sad stories that take place in families right here in our city is difficult... and I don't think I will ever get used to processing them...

It's been a full day with Baby A and I work tonight at Von Maur, I have to say I am ready for my retail to be done, I much prefer taking care of babies at home! Although my co-workers are amazing, looking forward to this being my last week there (until next year). Off to play with Baby A! :)