Thursday, September 13, 2012

Making it official

Tonight I received a call from our social worker, we are setting the date to finalize the paperwork to become foster parents. I am feeling a lot of emotions as we enter this next journey of our lives. I don't know if I can put into words all the little things and big things running through my brain, but I will do my best to tackle a few of them.

Anxious. Anxious about all the unknowns. I feel like that kind of sums up our life most of the time though. We make big decisions and take some risks without too much anxiety, but there are times in our near past where that's caused some heartache and honestly, I know that there will be heartache involved as we journey the foster care system as foster parents. We've been prepared in classes about how hard this will be. But we can do hard things! There is so much good that comes as you push through and deal with difficult situations, so much growing takes place when things aren't easy. I am ready for this.

Excited. I really am looking forward to having little one(s) back in our household! I can't wait to hear their little voice and hold a baby again. We've set up the room and put up a crib, gotten out some of our kids' little baby toys. I know that it will be a wonderful experience in so many ways and look forward to adding to our family and watching a new little one learn new things and love on them!

Hopeful. I really like Cedars Foster Care Agency. They've been wonderful to partner with and learn from. The workers are great and I feel confident that they will give us the support we need and will lead us to the right fit for us and the child(ren) we will take in. I have such hope that things will be good and that the outcome will always be what's best for the child. I know that may sound naive, but I know that God has this whole thing in His hands and that we will do our part in opening up our home and taking care of the children who will be placed with us and the rest is in His hands.

That last sentence really takes me back to my first emotion... I know that the truth is God's got it all under control... letting go of my worries is hard, I tend to worry... but truth is taking hold..
Philippians 4:6 says, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Yet here I am being anxious. May the words of my heart be filled with thanksgiving as I lay my worries down and know that the God of the universe has my heart and He's got this! He's got this!

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