Monday, September 17, 2012

Healed and Heading Out

Really thankful that my dad is fully healed! The recovery of replacing his ankle and fusing it is complete and he is wearing a shoe on both feet! No more boot!

I went to Omaha with my dad today and got to see the x-rays and was amazed yet again that doctors can do what they do.. all the screws and rods that are holding my dad's leg together and ankle in place. Amazing! Really grateful that he's not in any pain anymore! That's a huge blessing!

So tomorrow is moving day for my parents. They've been with us about 4 months and we've all settled into our routines... but tomorrow we will all have to settle into new routines.  They'll be back on the road come October and heading back down to TX, so it was quite a treat having them here for the summer! Thankful for the times we spent together and the blessing of having room for them to stay and recover. I'll miss the full candy dishes and many options of coffee's. Also, the running all over Lincoln shopping with my mom and finding treasures together. We've shared lots of laughs and experienced life together, both the good and the bad days; it's gone both fast and slow, but tonight it really does feel like it flew by. I can honestly say it was a wonderful experience, life goes by really fast and I am thankful for the moments we shared together these past months.

My kids will remember this summer forever, they've gotten to know their grandparents better, so many memories and life lessons they won't forget! So many funny things, life experiences, and good conversations that came out of living under the same roof together. Tomorrow they'll set out and move back to their home on wheels and we'll look forward to hearing about their adventures on the road!

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