Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Little Ones

Phew! My morning was filled with the usual get the kids ready for school, packing lunches, and then because it's Tuesday I am off to work with three and four year olds at church for a few hours. This was the kick off day for Fall Women's Bible Studies and we had lots of little kids to fill our classroom today. It's such a blessing to go to a church that gives free childcare while the parents are taking a class. Lots of eager moms ready for some adult conversations!

I have the privilege of working with the same wonderful people from last year. I have such fun with Jeff, Evan, and Sharon. We held down the fort with about 25 little kids today... I don't know how kindergarten teachers do it everyday.. wow, they are a busy bunch! We do story time, gym time, snack time, and of course a craft. Which today involved gluing with glue bottles... I am thinking we need to get some glue sticks. You should have seen the amounts of glue it takes to glue down construction paper to a lunch sack to make a puppet when a 3 year old is in charge.. I think we went through more than expected.  Next week we need to revamp the craft so that they can have more independence in the craft without all the teachers hovering over them.

Anyway, I am home and taking a breather until I need to pick up my own kids from school. I am thankful for some quiet time! Wonder if I should get out of the house for a bit before then? My mom is upstairs and I know it won't take much to convince her to go running. Thinking a good thrift store sounds like a perfect afternoon adventure. Off to treasure hunt!

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