Monday, April 16, 2012

Marriage & Such

I have been quite focused lately on my wonderful husband and his new job. This amazing job, that fits his gifts and abilities so well, it has truly blessed my heart to watch his transition into this job and be a part of the ministry in a small way with him as well.

I've needed some time to process the changes to our life. We've gone from not feeling permanent here in Lincoln to feeling very permanent. It's been about three months now of coping with that and it's still surreal at times . My journey these past few months has included so many high points, I've felt almost as though it's too good to be true at times... which isn't typically my personality, I tend to be ever optimistic, but I've caught myself feeling this, "can it really be this good?" ... And so far.. yup!.. it's a season of God's awesome blessing... thank you Lord for blessing my husband with this job! :)

I am very thankful for Michael and the way that the Lord has bonded us together through these changing times, how we've learned to communicate through stress, anxiety, pressure, uncertainty and still remain strong in our marriage. Praising God today for giving me such an awesome man!  Are you wondering if I tell him this all the time? If I feel this way every moment? The answer is..  yes ... okay more like, I am trying. I fall short of the perfect wife category by like a million.. and he falls short of perfect too.. But this is not about perfect, it's not about keeping score, or doing everything the way I think he should. It's about the choice to love him anyway, the choice to respect him, honor him and must importantly esteem him.. because don't we all want that from our spouse? Don't you want that for your children from their future spouse? My hope is that at the end of the day, each day, Michael knows that I love him.. no matter what. Praying that my actions and words today affirm what I know to be true. Hoping to be a more loving and supportive wife, there are times when I fall short, but what I've learned over the course of this year is that love remains. It's work, but what joy I feel knowing no matter what life brings, good or bad, I've got a husband willing to stand by me and love me and I will do the same!

1 comment:

  1. Inspiring, beautiful words. Loved seeing your family last night at ILA. Love that your family is part of CI family! Yours has blessed ours in so many ways already, and we have only just begun! (speaking of blessings, your girl blessed me by helping price store her!)
