Will I look back at these deputation days with great feelings of warm fuzzies or feelings of thank God it's over? As more letters are preparing to go out and we are intentional about making more connections before the Christmas Season takes over, I know that God has continued to bless our fundraising! It's been a fast a furious kind of deputation so far! We are doing really well in raising up supporters and partners in the Mission to Italy! We are over 20% raised for Italy monthly with a matching request out and waiting to see what God does with that. It's amazing to think that we could be at 40% soon... There is still a long way to go though. We are trying not to lose focus and momentum.. but it's hard to keep up the intensity sometimes. I wonder if I should put a pictures of Italy all around my house to remind me visually of the goal? Hoping that when some of our teammates visit Rome soon that they will have lots of photos to share! Looking forward to Michael going over to Italy this Spring with the leadership team and deciding upon the city in which we will be serving... knowing the name of the city will make it even more real I think... because some days it seems unreal.. I am asking that you would pray for us as we continue to raise funds! Pray that more people will stand beside us and that we can be fully funded soon!
Love it! Well, I love the blog - not the deputation. But love that you guys have kept up your momentum so well.