Thursday, November 11, 2010


What if? What if someone had said, "There is one church in Omaha, don't build anymore!" Or, "Let's stay in England, who needs religious freedom?" Or, "Why become a Pastor? There are plenty of Pastors in the World!" Or, "Why be a missionary? Aren't there other missionaries?" Arguments and discussions about religion happen all the time, everywhere! There is persecution of the church no matter where you are. No one ever said to Mike when he was looking at seminary and said, "Don't do that, there are more than enough Pastors." Praise God! We never found the push back of our convictions until we said we were going to be missionaries in Italy. It's weird that people have such strong opinions now about our path and yet, when Michael was planning to be a youth pastor, we didn't have the same kinds of reactions. It just makes me ponder, why it's okay to be a Pastor in the United States, where there are churches at every corner and people don't seem to be up in arms about doing that job... yet, when you say we are leaving and going to another country that they feel is less deserving of being reached for Christ based on the fact that this said country has a "Catholic heritage"... I mean really? Doesn't the US have a "Christian heritage" and yet, still people are becoming priests and pastors here... are people as outraged by that? I know that not everyone will understand or agree with whatever decision we make about ministry, there will be those that think that Pastors are unneeded as much as they think that missionaries are unneeded. And I don't need to justify my position or make people understand, but there is this feeling I am wrestling with that wants to ask why Italy doesn't deserve missionaries? Why because you consider it a vacation destination and not a place that is greatly in need of the love of Christ? I wonder, what if Jesus has said, "Well, we tried, but they won't ever get it, so why die?".... I am glad that He is wiser than I! I am glad that He died in spite of my pride and while I was yet a sinner! Because who can understand the height and depth of the love of Christ? His love is moving! Here I am Lord... all my innermost ponderings and questions and I pray that I will keep firm on the call you have placed on our hearts! I pray that I will show your love in spite of my frustrations and that I can fully rely on you! You are all that matters, I don't need the world to understand, help me to not worry about what other people think, help me to keep my eyes fixed on you! John 16:33 In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

1 comment:

  1. Renee,
    I'm sorry you guys have encountered judgement from others for what you and your family feel called to do. You can't control what others think or say about you. In the end, the mark you leave on the lives of those you reach is what counts. I pray your adventure blesses you and everyone you meet.
