1. He knows my heart... we were married when we were eighteen and nineteen years old, we've grown up together in many ways and he just gets me... he knows all he needs to do is listen, that I don't need him to "fix" the situation, I just want him to be there.

2. He cooks! He cooks for all family gatherings we host, he cooks for company, he cooks just because! Isn't that wonderful.. he loves cooking and we love eating whatever he makes! :)

3. He loves God... (I know this probably should have been number one, but these are in no particular order) He is a man who lived a hard life growing up.. he could have been a man who was far from God, but he chose to follow God.... I am so thankful for his passion for those who are lost and hurting.. his understanding of that life breaks my heart, but Wow, the ways its brought Glory to God is wonderful to see... You should hear his testimony! :)

4. He is a good Father... he takes time to talk to our children and involves himself in their life and activities.. he prays for them, teaches them how to cook, teaches them about God, works hard so that they are able to have their needs met and their wants taken care of too... He plays board games, gives piggy back rides, takes them to concerts that they are dying to see, I could go on and on...

5. He is a night owl... which leads me to stay up way past my needed bed time most nights.. our kids need to be up no later than 6:30 every morning to get ready for school... which leads me to #6
6. He lets me sleep in sometimes... due to him being a night owl and I tend to require more sleep.. which will lead him to whisper to me in the morning when the alarm goes off, "I have to be to work early, stay in bed, I'll get the kids to school." Love him!! Which is what he did this morning. :)
7. He doesn't wear matching socks.. as a kid he was like in the 7th grade (I think) and he didn't have matching socks clean and it was the time when tube socks with the stripe on top were "in", so he had two different tube socks, so he rolled the tube socks so that you couldn't see the stripe, but as the day went on the socks came unrolled and he was made fun of by the "cool kids" and he was of course hurt, but decided from that day on that he would wear non-matching socks intentionally.. and so he has... he never matches his socks, which makes him quirky and I love that.. which makes doing laundry for me easy when it comes to matching his socks.. I don't have to ;)
8. He goes to the store just to buy ice cream.. When our kids were babies and toddlers.. sometimes after the end of a very long day and the kids were finally in bed, I would ask Michael to go and get ice cream or candy at the store and he would.. this began the late night tradition of candy dates.. where we would be sitting around watching TV and he would be like, "want some candy?" to which I would say "yeah!" and he would run to the convenient store and get some.. we still do this sometimes even now... it's funny... but I love that about him.

9. He loves clothes shopping for me or him.. He is a natural shopper, he loves looking at what's new and he also loves picking out clothes for me... he is a wonderful shopping buddy.. he picks stuff out while I am trying stuff on in the dressing room to add to whatever I am already trying on.. he is honest about what he thinks looks good or not.. he knows my sizes in everything and he is never afraid to buy something when I am not there.. isn't that fun?!
10. He tells me he loves me everyday.. at least one hundred times... He is a man who never forgets that I love for him to say those words.. he is thoughtful and patient and lets me know that he loves me for me... I am so blessed..
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