Reading through my team members blogs and seeing where their hearts have been long before we knew that we would be on the journey with them has blessed my heart tonight. I have been on this journey of missionary for such a short time that it amazes me sometimes just how much it has already impacted my thought process. I grew up in church, had parents who taught me about who God was, I accepted Christ as Savior at around the age of 6 or so, I can't really think of a time when I didn't know God. I however, ran from Him and walked my own path... I am so thankful that He never left me. So here I am, walking with Him to Italy. Who'd have thought? I wonder what my high school Renee would have said if she knew that this was going to be the future. Don't you often wonder if you could sit down with your younger self and let them know that all the decisions that at the time you thought were so monumental were so not! I thought I had my whole life figured out, but boy was I wrong. Here I am thirty two years old, mother of two, married for almost fourteen years, and a missionary. Never would I have seen this life when I was sixteen. However, I wouldn't change a thing about where I am now. I have had my share of struggles and doubts, fears and failures, successes and losses, but through it all God had a plan. He knew where I was heading even though I had no clue and most days I will be honest I take one step at a time and even that one step is filled with blind faith. The steps are leading me one step closer to Italy and I can't wait! I feel like I'm in good company though.. can you imagine being a fishermen, getting up doing your normal morning routine, getting your boat ready, checking nets, heading out to fish and a man calls from shore and says, "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." (Matthew 4:19) It gives me great hope that God is willing to call who he sees fit, far from who we would think would be "qualified"... My heart is joyful for I know that following Jesus wherever He takes me will be the best journey of my life!
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