Well, it's Monday and I am not feeling very motivated, I must say.. I have things to do, I usually change sheets on all the beds on Monday, but I am lacking some motivation this morning. My thought process was that maybe I would find this missing motivation while typing out the to do's of the day... and slowly I am realizing that sitting here at the computer on my comfy couch is not really helping.. So, I must get off my duff and actually work at it! Motivation is found while working toward it... effort is needed!
Much about this fundraising process or deputation is work! It takes us working towards God's end goal of Italy to get us there. His motivation is found when I seek it.. I have to choose to move towards it.. and some days I will admit, it's not my top priority...but I am asking for God's motivation today, motivation to run the race set before me, taking those strides to see His goal achieved.. pray for me that I would not lose focus of the work before me, that I would not become lazy...
I am off to do some housework.. motivation within reach! :)
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