2. See still1 . 5. calm, serene. 9. unmoving. 14. still, hush, silence. 15, 17. lull, soothe.
2. noisy. 5. perturbed. 9. active.
Do you remember taking those tests at school where they would ask you to pick the word that best describes you? I don't think I would have ever picked the word unmoving to describe myself, or still.... noisy- probably :) I love talking! Perturbed is an interesting antonym though... wondering if this is how noisy makes people feel.. I tend to think so. I enjoy noise, hustle & bustle. I don't mind running around all day for no particular reason, just being out among the crowds at the stores around Christmas time is actually kind of exhilarating to me.
However, I hate background noise when I am trying to sleep and I really don't like having the TV on just for noise sake. I love the sound of nothing when I am trying to get things done. I don't know that I hear the sound of nothing very often.. but I am feeling convicted that God wants me to slow down a bit to hear Him and that what He hears from me sometimes is silence in regards to me spending time alone with Him. Sure, I pray.. in the morning with the kids before school, pop corn prayers throughout the day, lunch, dinner, bedtime prayers with the kids... but there are days that go by when I don't take time to sit down and really pray through things and wait to hear from the Lord, I just go about my usual routine and plug my day with lots of noise and don't think about being still with God.
Looking at the list of synonyms I know that calm and serene are often feeling I don't feel, words that I would not pick off a list to describe myself. However I know that scripture says, Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God." Yet, how often I am neither still or showing the world that He is God over me, because my own noise is distracting others and myself... praying that the noise I make today, the words I utter, the way I communicate would show God's peace; may I quiet myself and know that He is God.
I know the feeling. Emily