Journaling online for the world to see is very different from writing it down in your own private journal.. duh right?!.. I guess what my point is, is that it's hard to be completely honest about 100% of your life online. I tend to share only the common knowledge things, the things that most people would hear me say even if they didn't know me well. The things you tell people in passing, the "fine" you give after someone asks you how you're doing, the smiles you give to people as you pass them by on your way to do something... and I feel as though more and more I am living this life.. a life where I am careful about what I say.. careful that it's not too much information, censoring just about everything I think and feel... anybody else feel like me? Like everything that really matters is just glossed over with simple answers like, "everything is going great!" has become your normal answer, even when things aren't going great...
I am feeling tired today, tired of saying the "right" things, not saying what's really on my mind... I am thankful for those people in my life who know the whole story, who know the uncensored, real and honest truth about what's really happening... without those few, I might go crazy after saying, "everything is fine," for the thousandth time. So here's to the ones in our lives who know the depths of our life and love us anyway!
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