The truth of this statement resonates with me very deeply today. I am in this place of hurry up and get certain things done and waiting on the Lord to get other things done. My mind is wrestling with the oxymoron of my lifestyle lately. I feel such urgency and know fully that it's the Holy Spirit working in me to press forward and share the vision and get to Italy! However, there are other areas in our life right now where we are waiting to see what will happen... we've been waiting for what seems like forever and my heart is being pulled and tugged.
God is in control, aren't you glad? I mean my mind can not possibly comprehend how to handle even my own life most days.. can you imagine knowing each person and each circumstance that was, is and yet to be all at the same time? God is good! Thankful for His tender mercies today...
Praying for the boldness of Joshua and the patience of Job....

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