Although, as a good friend keeps reminding me, each stage of our kids' lives brings so many wonderful things and new joys! It's so true. I am blessed. I have two beautiful children who are growing into young adults who love the Lord and I think they are pretty cool people! I kicked off the new year with my friend Teresa and we prayed over each of our children and lifted up their school day. It was a wonderful way to start the year and it will be something we continue together every week, I am so looking forward to our time together this year. What a blessing it is to have a friend who prays with you! We will be using some of the Mom's in Touch materials, which is such a great organization to plug into. (all you mom's out there who's kids are school age, it's a great way to get to know other mom's!)
I am looking forward to our final school year in the states... so much will change for us next year! Each little thing the kids are doing and experiencing this year will feel bigger I think.. knowing that it won't look like this next year will help us to take in each moment and savour our time at Lincoln Christian. It's such a great school and we are blessed to be a part of it! Here's to a great year!! :)
Caleb 1st day of High School

Great post and great pics Renee!