Protecting precious family time was our plan of action for the past two days! We spent time together doing normal family things like back to school shopping, watching funny movies, eating dinner together at our dining room table, and enjoying many laughs. I can't tell you enough how much needed these days were in our home!
Today I am reading a good book a friend of ours borrowed us, Emotionally healthy spirituality by Peter Scazzero, which I am flying through! I have another book I am planning on diving into as well called Leading with a Limp by Dan Allender another book suggested by our good friend Ken. So, today as we slowly engaging back into life.. we are being careful to remember boundaries and protecting our family time...
Next Monday and Tuesday our kids have back to school orientation so we are enjoying what will be one of our last weekends before back to school madness begins... enjoying this last deep breath before school activities fill the calendar. Praising God for the reminder to slow down and enjoy... Hope that you have a day where you can stop and enjoy the little things because it is the little things that make up life. Hug you kids, kiss your spouse, and thank God for life!

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