As you read in my earlier blog we were in KC last Wednesday-Friday. So, I was already feeling a bit tired! We had friends over on Saturday night (wonderful time!!), then Sunday morning got the call about my dad and were off to Papillion to visit him in the hospital. After visiting we went to my brother Kraig's for the Women's World Cup Soccer game (sad results!). I stayed with my mom last night along with my brother Kirk and we enjoyed fellowship and helped her out with the dog and she was thankful that she had someone in the camper with her.
This morning went back to the hospital and got the good results about my Dad and were off towards home (thanks Michael for coming to get me!). It's been a whirlwind couple of days for sure! I am tired and thankful all at the same time... so glad I am able to be near my family in times like this. The laughter my family can share at all times never ceases to amaze me... only us could enjoy the language of the nurses and laugh when the nurse is telling us that, "I'm sorry he's gone (for testing)." and my brother Kirk says, "He's gone? We just talked to him," in this fake grieved voice.. the nurse laughed and said it was good that we had such a good sense of humor... we laughed all the more and when we told my dad his response to that was, "You should have asked if I went peacefully!" ahhh we are too much!! :) We are the family who in ICU has to have the door shut due to the spontaneous laughter that explodes down the hall if the doors open... our view on life is fun.. we embrace each obstacle with humor... you should hear the enema story... hahaha.. (but seriously, it's funny!)
However, tonight I am really very tired and have had an emotional roller coaster of feelings.... I've cried a lot and I should probably be in bed, but am going to have a cup a tea due to a sore throat I'm fighting.. my emotions are a bit raw tonight and I needed to be reminded about the joy of laughter...

I'd love to have a laugh with you! :)