Yesterday our son Caleb turned fourteen years old. Time has gone so fast! We are so incredibly blessed by the young man that he has become, we are so proud!
The day started off with birthday breakfast, a tradition we do each year with ebelskiver (Danish pancakes) and homemade Orange Julius. Yum! Then it was off to school for him and when he got home my parents were here and we all went out to dinner at Outback Steakhouse! Caleb had his favorite, steak! Then it was back to our house for cake and ice cream.
Green cupcake cake in honor of his favorite team the Celtics
I made his cake this time, borrowing this really cool giant cupcake pan from a friend, it turned out cute!
It is amazing to think that this time next year, we will be packing and getting ready to board a plane in a few short weeks to head to Italy. Next years birthday for Caleb will mark a new beginning for all shorts of things!
Hey Caleb, again Happy Birthday and many blessings. Looking forward to another steak soon again. Grandpa