I have been creating lists of things that need to be done like buy stamps, buy more envelopes, get more ink for printer, take a family photo (since we apparently never do this), get passports, create case statement, and so and and so on... my lists in my head were producing more lists...
As Michael and I were out shopping today running errands I grew increasingly frustrated with him as he was sure that the grocery store we were at sold stamps, which we found out after standing in line at customer service that it did not, I was irritated because he had wasted my time... how ridiculous is that? I realized by the time we got to the car that my harsh words at him were wrong and I apologized and the Holy Spirit began to show me how my own busyness had shut out the joy the Lord had intended for me. An old Sunday School song began running through my mind, "Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, and again I say rejoice."
I had been so consumed by my own plans that I had forgotten to ask God to help me rejoice! So, if you're like me and busy getting all sorts of things checked off "the list," remember to Rejoice in the Lord for all He has done!