I get such a kick out of the funny things people say, however, it's not always as humorous when it's you saying the blunder, okay I lied, I laugh harder sometimes when it's me saying the blunder. What can I say? I crack myself up sometimes! :)
Our dinner table is usually filled with lots of funny conversations and usually our sarcasm about certain situations happening in our life become comic relief. I grew up in a family where humor was often found at the dinner table as well. My brothers still talk about the time when my family was talking politics and I was about nine and I was growing agitated that the conversation didn't include me and I very loudly asked, "Who the HELL is Bork?" The table erupted in laughter, except for my father who didn't appreciate my colorful question. Needless to say, we have our favorite quotes from our dinner table as well.
I found a really great quote about parenting and it reminded me of the importance of the attitude I am showing my children. Grateful for the laughter that is shared in our home!
"The attitude you have as a parent is what your kids will learn from more than what you tell them. They don't remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are."
-Jim Henson
So what will your children remember? I hope my children will have many quotable moments that they can laugh about and remember fondly! Even in the seasons of our life when things are stressful, remember that your attitude matters!
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