The definition is clear, but what is service? functions? How do you flesh out that definition? My desire I say is to be the hands and feet of Jesus, but am I willing to do what it takes to be that?
My journey these past couple of weeks has been marked with a lot of ministry. I have been involved with the planning of women's ministry retreat this upcoming weekend and have been busy doing a lot. The joy of the work will be seen in just a few short days, seeing women from different congregations gathered together for the sole purpose of taking time away from life's demands to sit at the feet of Jesus and grow in their relationship with Him. I am beyond excited to see what the Lord has in store!!
Also, last week I was able to open up my home to a teenager who was going through a tough time and was able to just listen and encourage. I was blessed to have this moment of time to minister and share my heart and allow Jesus to use my home as a sanctuary for this teen for a few days. What a blessing it is to open up your life and live it with others!
We attended a skating party last Sunday for church and we able to take a car load of middle schoolers to the event, it was a fun drive! Shortly after we got the the Skating rink, a lady in her 50's fell and broke her wrist, it was a gross sight... well, she was in need of someone to take her to the ER and my sister Natalie and I offered to take her. As we were driving I had a chance to pray and ask God to work in my heart... because honestly I was really looking forward to just being at the rink, and I was in some ways begrudgingly taking this poor lady to the ER... but God is so gracious and I was able to work through my selfish heart and minister where I was needed. Sometimes ministry requires more patience then I think I possess... but God's grace is sufficient! :)
Function of ministry is hard work, it requires time, patience, selflessness, and emptying yourself for the sake of Jesus... the joy that comes from knowing that your doing what Christ has called you to do is enough!
Tonight is Oasis (youth group) at church. I am looking forward to gathering with my group of girls and spending time learning more about them and more about Jesus. I love this night of the week!! I can't wait to see what their weeks have been like and what cool things that God is doing in each of their lives!! They stretch me in my walk, they love me, encourage me, and I am excited to go before the throne of God in prayer with them!! Ministry is life and what a life it is!
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